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Public Transport

Situated in the heart of West Bromwich town centre, New Square has excellent links to the High Street,the Midland Metro Station and is a ten-minute walk from West Bromwich Bus Station.


Coming from the North along the M6, you have easy access to the M5 from Junction 8,where you will find The Expressway from Junction 1 off the M5.

From the South, you have direct access along The Expressway from Junction 1 odd the M5.

The A41 also provides great links from Birmingham and Dudley.


Important Information:

Parking charges were reinstated at New Square from September 2020. Please note, short stay pay machines are now located at the front walkway of the short stay car park.

New Square has 1900 parking spaces, which are divided between 2 car parks – Tesco Short Stay and Primark Long Stay.

Tesco offers up to 2 hours free parking voucher (value of £1.60) when you spend £5 in store which can be redeemed at the pay machines.

Please note that you must pay at the machine located where your vehicle is parked. If you are parked in the Tesco (short stay) car park these are located at the front walkway of the short stay car park and if you are parked in the Primark (long stay) car park these are located opposite Primark.

Car Parking Charges Apply

Monday – Saturday:  6am –6pm including Bank Holidays

FREE parking on Sundays

Tesco Short Stay Tariff

Open 24/7

  • Up to 1 hour    80p
  • Up to 2 hours  £1.60
  • Up to 3 hours  £2.40
  • Up to 4 hours  £3.20
  • Over 4 hours   £10.00
  • Over 8 hours   £20.00
Primark Long Stay Tariff

Open 5am – 10pm

  • Up to 1 hour    80p
  • Up to 2 hours  £1.60
  • Up to 3 hours  £2.40
  • Up to 4 hours  £3.20
  • Over 4 hours   £6.00
  • Over 8 hours   £10.00
Season Tickets

For those who might find parking to be a problem around West Bromwich, New Square is offering an excellent solution.

We offer season tickets for Primark Long Stay Car Park only for as little as £1.40 a day. 

  • 28 days £39.00
  • 7 days £12.00

To purchase a season ticket download the NexusPay app available on Apple and Android.

If you have any issues, please email or call 0204 530 5165.

Blue Badge Holders

Dedicated disabled spaces are available on Tesco Short Stay and Primark Long Stay Car Park.

We offer all blue badge holders up to 4 hours free parking (max value of £3.20) when parked in a designated bay. You need to present your blue badge to Shop mobility or Tesco Customer service desk where you will receive a 4 hour voucher – the code requires to be entered into the pay machine along with your last 3 digits of your vehicle registration to validate your parking.

If you are a blue badge holder and you visit New Square regularly it may be worth you registering your vehicle and blue badge to our car park – this allows you to come and go without having to use the pay machines. This service is available at Shopmobility or liaise with a New Square Security offer.

Terms & Conditions for registering your vehicle.

Visit Shop mobility to complete a registration form

Only one vehicle per blue badge can be registered

Once your primary vehicle details have been processed as long as your stay is less than 4 hours you will not have to go to any of the pay machines you can just drive out the car park

If your stay is 4 hours or longer you will need to pay the tariff of £10 at Tesco Short Stay or £6 at Primark Long Stay

If you visit New Square in any other vehicle other than your primary vehicle you will be required to collect an up to 4 hour free parking voucher from Shop mobility or Tesco Customer Service desk and use to pay at the machines as instructed on signage

Failure to pay the tariff will result in a parking charge notice of £70

Please ensure your blue badge is displayed within your vehicle

If your blue badge expires, your car details will automatically be taken off the system until you register with a valid blue badge number

If you do not use the shopping centre car park within 12 months after registering your vehicle your details of registration will automatically be deleted from the system

Any required details that change, you must notify us immediately

We cannot be held responsible for any incorrect information given


At New Square, PCNs are only issued by a Group Nexus and are sent out by post.

If anyone approaches you on site requesting payment for a PCN, do not give them any information about your details or make a payment and please report immediately to the Centre office team by calling 0121 647 7040.

Many thanks,

The New Square Management Team.

View current vacancies accross all the shopping, food, drink and play locations at New Square West Brom on our Recruitment pages.

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